Beidh Cultúrlann Aonach Mhacha ag comhoibriú le hEalaíontóirí ar son na Palaistíne le hócáid tiomsaithe airgid a eagrú ar son Medical Aid for Palestinians Dé hAoine 1ú Mí na Nollag 2023.
Join an unforgettable evening of music and solidarity in Aonach Mhacha with the cream of Irish traditional talent, featuring Cathal Hayden, Máirtín Ó Connor and Séamie O Dowd.
The renowned trio will be supported by the fantastic Smyth Family from Baile Mhic an Aba (Ballymacnab).
The event is due to place on Friday December 1, with all raffle proceeds and donations going towards Medical Aid for Palestinians.
Doors open at 7.30pm. Tickets will be charged at £20.00 and can be purchased via aonachmhacha.com or at the door on the evening.
This event is supported by Armagh Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign.
Aonach Mhacha
Friday December 1, 2023
7.30pm | £20.00