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Woman pushed to ground and kicked in the face over cigarette

Police in Lurgan are appealing for information following an assault.
Around 2am on Saturday, February 15, a 25-year-old woman was walking along Dill Avenue with a friend when they were approached by two males. 
They asked the woman for a cigarette and when she said she didn’t have any, one of them pushed her to the ground and kicked her in the face.
The female sustained an injury to her face.
The assailant is described as being in his late 20s, of stocky build with blonde, spiky hair. He was wearing a red shirt and cream Timberland  boots.
Police are appealing to anyone who witnessed the assault or has information in relation to this to contact them in Lurgan on 0845 600 8000.  If you prefer to provide information wihtout giving your details you can contact  the independent Crimestoppers charity anonymously on 0800 555  111.

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