A relative of a Co. Armagh football player who contracted coronavirus has also tested positive.
Tandragee Rovers have this morning (Tuesday) issued a further statement saying the relative also watched last weekend’s game against Laurelvale also tested positive for CORVID-19.
“It has been brought to the clubs attention that a relative of our senior player who tested positive yesterday for CORVID-19 has also received a positive test,” a club statement read.
“The person watched the first team game against Laurelvale from inside the clubhouse on Saturday.
“Please note that anyone that was in the clubhouse on Saturday afternoon between the hours of 2pm and 4pm and 5pm and 6pm are asked to follow Public Health Authority published guidelines with respect to their health and well-being.”
If anyone has any concerns they should contact the Public Health Authority on 111 or visit http://www.publichealth.hscni.net
Meanwhile St Patrick’s Day parades in Newry and Downpatrick have been cancelled amid coronavirus concerns.
In Northern Ireland, 222 tests have been carried out with 12 positive cases confirmed.
More than 300 cases of the coronavirus have been confirmed in the UK with 24 people having tested positive for the virus in the Republic of Ireland.
Meanwhile, every country in the European Union now has cases of coronavirus, with Cyprus having detected two cases today, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control said.