A mass brawl broke out at Portadown’s People’s Park earlier today (Sunday).
Video circulating on social media shows dozens of men – some armed with weapons – attacking others in full public view.
Women and children were forced to flee in horror as the park became overrun by the violent hooligans in what is the latest issue to plague the park in recent weeks.
The video, shared by Loyalist Edgarstown Bonfire, said women fled the park with their children.
Upper Bann MP Carla Lockhart described the scenes as “absolutely disgraceful” stating that she was currently contacting the PSNI to get this under control.
“I had asked police to up their patrols in the area recently, she added. “It hasn’t worked; more needs done and together we will ensure it is.”
DUP party colleague Jonathan Buckley MLA, said the incident “cannot go unchallenged”.
“Disturbing scenes in Portadown People’s Park today. The local council pumped millions of pounds into this space to make it a family friendly environment,” he added.
“The least that those who use it could do is treat it with respect! I will be raising this with local police leadership and the local council immediately.”
One woman said “it’s hardly safe to go about your business in town these days. As a woman I don’t even feel safe taking a walk these days.”