Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council’s planners are currently considering an application that, if approved, will see outline planning permission granted for 14 semi-detached homes in Portadown.
Lodged by agent Architects Knox and Markwell on behalf of applicant Glasgiven Contracts Ltd, outline permission is sought for a residential housing development, comprising of 14 two-storey, three-bedroom, semi-detached houses with private gardens, car parking and open amenity landscape area at 71 Seagoe Road.
According to the application form, the 0.44 hectare site is a vacant residential dwelling and gardens that was last occupied in 2006.
Water will be supplied to the properties and foul sewage will be disposed of via the mains. Any surface water that collects as a result of the development has been suggested.
It is proposed to connect surface storm water to the proposed new storm sewer to the north west of the site adjacent to the Northway carriageway.
A design and access statement that accompanies the application notes this application is a resubmission of a previously approved outline planning application which has not yet expired.
It notes that the new development will be accessed via the existing housing development The Glebe and states the proposed housing will be in keeping with the character of the existing development.
The houses will, the statement notes, have the advantage of good connections to local amenities and facilities including public transport, schools, community facilities, industry and commerce.
Lodged and validated on Friday, July 29, the neighbour consultation period wil expire on Monday, August 29 with the standard consultation period due to expire on Monday, September 5.
The application will be advertised until Friday, September 2.