A planning application has been submitted that, if successful, will bring eight semi-detached dwellings to Portadown.
On Monday, March 29, agent Gray Design Ltd submitted an application on behalf of applicant Manx, to bring eight, three bedroom, semi-detached properties to a site 78m NW of no 47 Ballybay Meadows, off the Loughgall Road.
The planning application form notes the 0.398 hectare site is currently identified as vacant development land, says the land is not in a flood plain and that the surface water created by the development will be disposed of via the mains.
The application was submitted on Monday, March 29 and validated on Monday, April 12.
The neighbour consultation period expires on Wednesday, May 12 while the standard consultation period expires on Monday, May 17.
The planning application will be advertised until Friday, May 14.