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Lidl employee’s incredible act of kindness as he buys shopping for pensioner who forgot money

He got his card from his locker and paid but refused the money back as he 'would like to think someone would have done the same' for his mum

Hundreds of people have rushed to pour praise on a young Co Armagh shop worker who paid for a pensioner’s groceries after she forgot her purse.

The incident shows the strength of real human kindness in such difficult times.

And such a heart-warming tale to come on the eve of Mother’s Day.

The woman ā€“ who is aged 76 ā€“ had been at the till at Lidl in Portadown on Friday when the young hero surprised her with an amazing move.

And the lady’s son issued an appeal via Facebook to express his sincere gratitude and threw him a big virtual “high five”.

Gareth Paddy Richardson posted: “My mum at 76 went to get a few things and when she got to the counter she realised she forgot her money.

“The young lad went to his locker and used his card to pay for my mum’s things. And a lady behind also wanted to pay to for her stuff.

“That is community spirit!

“My mum then walked back down to the store to pay the young lad back but he refused the money and told her if it was his mum he would like to think someone would have done the same for her.

“He also told mum she should not be out lol”

Thousands of people reacted to his post and commented to commend the actions of the Lidl employee.

One said: “This young man is amazing. May he be blessed many times over.”

Another wrote: “Iā€™m sure your mother will be proud.”

For Mr Richardson, however, he wanted to pass on personally his thanks.

And he said the remarkable episode was proof if proof were needed that: “We have a big community spirit in Portadown.”

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