Major plans for the erection of a new school complex for Portadown Integrated and Nursery PS, have been given the go-ahead by ABC planning officers.
The new school complex, to be built on lands north of Mandeville Road and close to Mandeville Manor in Portadown, will include 14 classrooms, a learning support unit and school meals accommodation.
The approved application also includes main school vehicular and pedestrian access off the existing roundabout serving Mandeville Manor, hard and soft play areas, vehicular drop-off/pick-up points, car and cycle parking, the re-aligning of the existing watercourse, the erection of a NIE substation, solar panels on the roof of the school, landscaping, fencing and all associated works.
The planning application was lodged by Resolve Planning Innovation Factory, Fortriver Business Park, Belfast, on behalf of the trustees of the school.
Speaking at a Planning & Regulatory Services committee meeting held on July 9, Cllr Paul Duffy (Sinn Féin, Portadown DEA) commented: “It seems that a lot of good work has gone into this here, and [there is] a good relationship between the school and the planners, so I’m delighted to see this going forward.”
The recommendation to approve the planning application was proposed by Cllr Duffy and seconded by Cllr Fergal Donnelly (Sinn Féin, Armagh DEA).
Back in July 2023, Alliance representatives, Eóin Tennyson MLA and Cllr Robbie Alexander welcomed progress in relation to the new school.
They stated at the time: “Portadown Integrated PS was first given permission to double its enrolment numbers almost a decade ago.
“Since then, the school community has led a dedicated campaign to secure a new school build. I want to congratulate the pupils, parents, staff and governors of PIPS for their enduring leadership and hard work to get to this stage.
“This new build is vitally important for the PIPS school community, but also to meet the rapidly growing demand for integrated education across the wider Portadown and Craigavon area.
“I look forward with excitement to supporting the school in any way I can as plans progress.”
ABC Councillor Robbie Alexander said: “Progress on a new school build is incredibly good news for our area. I t is welcome that the proposed site is adjacent to the segregated cycle network, allowing children to walk or cycle to school, and helping to create a safer and more sustainable community.”