Richmount Playgroup has free places for children in their pre-school year.
Richmount Playgroup operates from 8.30am to 11.00am and is located only 2.5 miles from Portadown and is easily accessible to the M1 Motorway.

In May last year Richmount Playgroup had an excellent report from the Education & Training Inspectorate which commented favourably on all aspects of its operation and education of the pre-school children.
The Playgroup also has places available for children from 2 years and 10 months and again this facility operates from 8.30am to 11.00pm.

Commenting on Richmount Playgroup Joe Garvey, Secretary of the playgroup’s management committee said: “We are really pleased that we are able to offer free places to pre school children not just in Richmount but to a much wider area.
“We are also pleased to offer places for the younger children and we are very conscious of the financial situation faced by parents today and we have tried to make this as economical as possible at just £35 per week.

“The benefits of Early Years education have been advocated by childcare professionals and educationalists. All have come to the same conclusion; in terms of the physical, emotional and life outcomes for your child early years education has tremendous benefits.
“This applies not only to the pre-school child but the younger child as well. Richmount Playgroup is well resourced and all its staff are professionally qualified.

1B The Richmount Centre
2 Derrylettiff Road
BT62 1QU
Tel: 028 38339140 Email: richmountplaygroup@mail.com
Where every child is Special
Registration no: SHSCT 20/08/14/ 2012 CB
If you would like to learn more about Richmount Playgroup or arrange an informal visit please call 028 38391182 (between 1.00pm and 2.00pm) or email: richmountplaygroup@mail.com
For further information: Please contact Joe Garvey, Committee Secretary on 07934186635 or email: joegar@hotmail.co.uk