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Dead piglet, nappies, 22 bags of rubbish and sectarian graffiti in The Birches

A dead piglet was cast aside and left to decompose on the roadside in The Birches area.

It was one of the many items – including a “disgusting” soiled nappy – strewn across the rural area outside Portadown over the last number of weeks.

A bus shelter was also vandalised with sectarian graffiti which has left residents exasperated at the continuing disregard many have for the area.

Friend of The Birches, a volunteer community group in the area, shared images of the state of the roadside after a recent litter pick and clean-up.

In total, 22 bags of rubbish were lifted by volunteers, including countless cable ties from recently-removed election posters.

“They are only little cable ties but you are adding to the problem,” they said. “Just lift them so folk like us don’t have to.”

They also highlighted their sadness and disgust at discovering a dead piglet.

“Everything about this is wrong; if you have done this you need to take a good look at your life and catch yourself on you absolute dirt bag.”

Bags of dog poo strewn all over the place and one soiled nappy – right beside a bin.

There were two ‘Brits Out IRA’ slogans sprayed on the bus shelter. One silver lining was the offer to remove it from an anonymous young person who had the right equipment for the task.

“He doesn’t want any recognition – a million thank yous. Such a breath of fresh air. He said he saw people struggling trying to clean it and wanted to help. This is not recognition it’s just anonymous appreciation – totally different and I hope you see it and smile. You have made some people very happy.”

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