Sinn Fein Councillor Fergal Lennon has called on Transport NI to assess the need for level crossings and traffic calming measures at Old Portadown Road, Taghnevan in Lurgan.
Councillor Lennon explained: “After meeting recently with a number of residents from the local area, they voiced their thoughts and concerns as to the safety of their children and other road users at Old Portadown Road.
“With quite a lot of development within the area this is an extremely busy road used by both commuters from central Craigavon and local residents.
“There have been several incidents involving pedestrians, cyclists and motorists along this road which must be made safe. There is no doubting the obvious hazard or potential for lives to be lost.”
Concluding Cllr Lennon said: “Sinn Fein will continue to press for action to be taken to ensure the safety of all road users and residents.
“I ask Transport NI to act now before it’s too late.”

Sinn Fein Councillor Fergal Lennon with local residents