Newry, Mourne and Down District Council has relaunched its public awareness campaign to tackle the ongoing issue of dog fouling and raise awareness of ‘Responsible Dog Ownership’ in the district.
The campaign was previously developed in partnership with Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful, which is an independent charity dedicated to creating a cleaner, greener and more sustainable local environment.
The Live Here Love Here ‘That Is Disgustin’!’ campaign features a strong anti-dog fouling message and is being implemented to proactively support the Council’s Enforcement Improvement Plan.
Through partnership working and strong messaging across a range of media channels such as social media animations and PR.
The Council’s Enforcement Team also linked in with local community groups in the district to pilot the use of ‘Keep Our District Clean’ pavement stencils which highlight the £80 fine for dog owners who do not clean up after their dog.
These stencils have been used on various walking routes, and public spaces with our community since May.
The campaign aims to build strong relationships with residents specifically around Responsible Dog Ownership. The puppet character delivers memorable messages in relation to ‘dog fouling and fixed penalties’ and appeals to all age ranges, raising awareness and driving the behaviour change we all need in our communities.
Newry, Mourne and Down District Council Chairperson, Councillor Michael Savage said: “It is important that the Council continues to raise awareness of the issues and implications of dog fouling.
“Through this campaign we are reminding everyone that must do their bit and clean up after their dogs to make the district a cleaner and more pleasant place for all. If they refuse they could be fined £80 by our Enforcement Teams.
“Dog fouling is unacceptable and is potentially a health risk to our residents and visitors. Most dog owners are caring and responsible individuals, and we need to promote a culture of Responsible Dog Ownership district wide.
“The Council’s Responsible Dog Ownership awareness campaign will highlight the duty individuals have to clean up after their dogs which foul in a public place and will be encouraging dog owners to place their dog mess in Council litter bins or their own black household wheelie bin.”
The campaign will also highlight the ability for the Council’s Enforcement Teams to issue fixed penalty fines, up to £80, or pursue court proceedings, to those individuals who are found guilty of dog fouling related offences.
Public Notices relating to dog fouling and dog control are displayed prominently across the district to ensure that Enforcement information is clear to all dog owners.
For further information on Responsible Dog Ownership please visit the dedicated webpage at www.newrymournedown.org/responsible-dog-ownership.