A woman was cut free from a car and taken to hospital following a collision in Loughgilly on this morning (Thursday).
Emergency services were tasked to the scene of the a three-vehicle collision on the Gosford Road shortly after 10.50am.
Police confirmed it was reported that a car and two lorries were involved in the incident.
Two appliances from Newry Fire Station and one from the Armagh Station attended the scene.
A fire service spokesperson stated: “Firefighters using cutting equipment rescued one female casualty who was trapped in her vehicle. The casualty was put into the care of the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service and transported to hospital.”
The Northern Ireland Ambulance Service stated that one emergency vehicle, one rapid response vehicle and an officer, along with the Charity Air Ambulance were tasked to the incident.
It was confirmed that following assessment and initial treatment, one patient was conveyed to the Royal Victoria Hospital for treatment.
Police stated that the female’s injuries were not believed to be life threatening.