The introduction of a reduced annual rate pass for a second car at Gosford Forest Park has been described as “a sensible decision” taken by Council.
The decision means that a single yearly vehicle pass for Gosford will be priced at £27 and the addition of a second vehicle registration bolt-on will be less than half price at £13.
The means that a two-car pass for the year will be priced at £40, down from the previous option of having to pay the full price twice for two passes, amounting to £55.20.
Cusher DUP Council representative, Alderman Gareth Wilson, welcomed the decision.
Speaking after the Leisure Services Committee on Monday night Alderman Wilson thanked officers for listening to his concerns and costing out a reduced fee pass solution.
“I have been consistently lobbying officers on this issue and having met with officials and explained the concerns of the public who were in contact with me, I am relieved that a resolution has been reached that sees a second car pass issued as a bolt-on for half price,” he said.
“That is a sensible decision, whilst still respecting the need for income generation to sustain the park and also respecting rate payers and park users who really cherish this forest park and all it has to offer.”
The price changes will come in on May 1 and includes price bundles for Gosford and Loughgall Country Park.
Alderman Wilson added: “Our leisure facilities in the borough are important and as a Cusher representative and someone who uses Gosford on a weekly basis, this two-car pass decision makes good sense and I will be renewing my pass and using the bolt-on option for two vehicles. Thanks to officers and council for agreement on this matter.”