For the third year in a row, Cllr. Keith Ratcliffe is hosting a static cycle in Hunter’s Supermarket on Friday, December 13, from 9am to 6pm, with all proceeds going to the Children’s Cancer Unit at the Royal Victoria Hospital.
Speaking about the event, Cllr. Ratcliffe said: “I am delighted to be running another charity fundraiser this year in Hunter’s Supermarket.
“Christmas is a time for families to come together, however for many families, with children battling cancer, this can be a particularly difficult time. With many parents taking the opportunity to enjoy special time with their children at this time of year, the sad reality is that for some parents this time will be spent by a hospital bed this Christmas.
“It is a joy to watch the happiness and excitement in the eyes of children at Christmastime, to think for some that this may be robbed by cancer is hard to accept.
“It is a startling fact that in Northern Ireland, between 60 and 70 children are diagnosed with cancer each year.
“It is for that reason, that team and myself are hosting this event to try and make a small difference for those children this Christmas.
“All money raised will go towards buying Christmas gifts to those children who will spent their Christmas Day in the Children’s Cancer Unit.
“Together, we have raised over £5,500 over the last two years and I look forward to adding to that figure this year. So please call in with me and the team in Hunter’s supermarket on 13th December as we seek to make Christmas a little brighter for those children fighting cancer.
“My best thanks goes to Hunter’s Supermarket for their willingness to host this event once again. I look forward to seeing you then.”