A County Armagh Post Office will close temporarily later this summer following the resignation of the postmaster.
The Post Office has confirmed that Loughgilly Post Office will close temporarily on August 1 as a result of the resignation and withdrawal of the premises for Post Office use.
Janese Sung, Network Provision Lead for the Post Office, in a letter to customers, said: “I would like to assure you that we are currently investigating the options available which will enable us to reinstate a Post Office service to the local community.
“In exploring this, it is important that any future service is sustainable for the person operating the service, and for Post Office Limited.
“Future provision will reflect customer numbers and usage and we may take the opportunity to establish an alternative type of service.
“This may be a local style branch which runs alongside an established retail shop in newly refurbished premises and creates a more modern and convenient experience for customers.
“Looking after a nationwide network of Post Office services, we have a responsibility to make sure every service makes the best possible use of resources, while ensuring that customers can still access our products and services.
“I can assure you that we will continue to work to find a solution that will provide a Post Office service to the Loughgilly community.”
Commenting Alderman Gareth Wilson said: “I understand that the service is ceasing at the location in Loughgilly and currently the Post Office has commenced looking at options to reinstate a service for the local community.
“What that service looks like or where it will be located isn’t clear at this time and I have written to the Post Office to express my concerns.
“Services such as this in rural areas are so important and as we have seen with bank branch closures, stripping away these types of front desk services isn’t helping our rural communities who then have to travel much further to access these facilities.
“I trust that Post Office will work to find solutions and ensure that rural services are protected.”