A Waringstown man has been told by a judge that it is illegal for his partner to claiming benefits, whilst he worked two jobs.
The 25-year-old stated in court: “I genuinely did not know it was illegal”.
Jordan Topping, of Churchill Place, appeared for deferred sentencing on possession of a blade in a public place at Craigavon Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday.
District Judge Bernie Kelly stated: “From the report, Mr Topping now has two jobs; he has started his own business and works full time.
“However, there is a problem, his partner is claiming benefits, she cannot do that whilst he is working two jobs it is illegal”.
She added: “I am sure that there are other things such as child credit which would be available to her”.
Speaking from the dock, the defendant stated: “I genuinely did not know it was illegal”.
Defence barrister Scott McWhinney said that Topping had instructed him that this would be changed straight away.
He stated: “This has been a clear year for my client, one of his big problems was alcohol he has addressed this through a course of anti-abuse tablets.
“He has in this period been able to hold down an occupation and his child has since turned one”.
Judge Kelly said: “This was a serious enough incident in itself, up to that time you showed the propensity for a number of offences, in particular for those of dishonesty.
“It is not good reading from the report, that this has not stopped”.
She added: “However, I will give you credit for all the work you have done so far, you have done all I had asked of you and I will deal with you accordingly”.
Topping was sentenced to two months in prison suspended for two years.