Seventeen community-based groups and 100 individuals have been awarded a total of £80,000 in Irish Language grant funding by Mid Ulster District Council for local grassroots projects and individual study.
The grants range from £315 to £13,810 and projects supported will deliver a diverse range of activities, including pre-school, primary and post-primary youth programmes, arts and cultural projects and festivals, heritage talks and family support programmes.
Among the groups that have received funding is Cairde Uí Néill, Coalisland, for its project ‘Gaeilge sa Phobal – Irish in the Community’.
It will provide Irish language days at local children’s summer camps, a range of outdoor activities for Irish speaking families, an adult summer school, a series of heritage talks, and an Irish language traditional song project and festival helping local people achieve fluency through the promotion of traditional song.
Meanwhile, An Chraobh Rua, Comhaltas Uladh Dungannon, is to receive funding for its Irish language reading club while Healthy Kidz Dungannon will hold an Irish language summer scheme.
Chair of Mid Ulster District Council, Councillor Córa Corry has welcomed the investment.
She said: “This is a significant investment of £80,000, helping to encourage and enable the use of Irish in our district, as well as encouraging cultural and linguistic awareness in the community.
“Our funding will help individuals with new and improved language skills, and will be used by local groups to deliver on-the-ground activities that support our young people, older people and areas in need, making a positive difference in our residents’ lives, all through the medium of Irish.”
A further 100 individuals will be supported under the Regional Minority Language Scheme to undertake language courses in recognised Gaeltacht colleges.
Gaeltacht study visits provide attendees with an opportunity to immerse themselves in an Irish speaking community, increase their knowledge and use of Irish through attending classes whilst taking part in a wide range of cultural activities through the medium of Irish.