Over £5 million of additional benefits has been claimed by 1,249 people in the Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon council area using a Department for Communities’ advice service.
The Make the Call wraparound service connects people with the benefits, supports and services to which they are entitled and have not previously been claiming.
During the year, Make the Call supported 11,700 people to access entitlements they had not been claiming and who, on average, are now £90 per week better off.
In 2022/23 an additional £54.9 million of benefits was claimed which represents an increase of £5.2m in additional benefits claimed compared to the previous year.
This includes over £19 million for people of pension age claiming Attendance Allowance and Pension Credit and an additional £11 million in respect of Personal Independence Payment to support those individuals with additional living costs or mobility needs as a result of a health condition or disability.
Permanent Secretary of the Department for Communities’, Colum Boyle, welcomed the results saying, “Once again the Make the Call service has extended its reach in connecting people with the benefits to which they are entitled.
I am particularly pleased that the results show the support that the Make the Call service provides for older age groups and those with disabilities.
Over the past three years the additional annual benefits generated has increased from £42 million to £55 million reflecting our commitment to assisting some of our most vulnerable citizens.”
In addition to supporting the uptake of unclaimed benefits, Make the Call connects people to other supports and services. This can include:
- a blue badge for car parking or a free bus pass
- access to local groups to help maintain community connections and social independence.
- free school meals
- home safety checks
- assistance with reducing energy costs.
The Make the Call Wraparound Service works in conjunction with a range of partner organisations such as the Housing Executive, Housing Rights, Dementia NI and Carers NI. Those networks were widened during 2022/23 with the addition of ten new partnerships across the public sector such as Employers for Childcare.
Separately, an examination into the impact of Make the Call has been produced through the Department’s Economic and Social Research Programme which found the service had a comprehensive reach, particularly with those in the older age groups.
Permanent Secretary Colum Boyle, continued: “An average increase of £90 a week can be a significant help in challenging, financial times. I would encourage anyone who thinks they may be eligible for support – or who knows someone who might benefit – to Make the Call. It is a free, confidential service and our teams are ready to help.”
To ‘Make the Call’ you can phone 0800 232 1271; text ADVICE to 079 8440 5248. Visit nidirect.gov.uk/makethecall or email makethecall@dfcni.gov.uk