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‘One last chance’ for mum who swore in front of police outside school as she went to collect children

District judge told her: 'You lost your temper and you are meant to be the example for your children to follow'


A Craigavon woman who was disorderly outside a school whilst picking up her children has been given “one last chance” as sentencing has been deferred for a year.

The 34-year-old’s solicitor told the court that she was “gravely concerned that her liberty is at risk”.

Lyndsey Bell, of Avondale Manor, pleaded guilty to disorderly behaviour at Craigavon Magistrates’ Court on Friday.

District Judge Bernie Kelly commented: “She has behaved like this in the past and she should know better.”

Defence solicitor Richard Montieth stated: “Her previous was completely different, this behaviour was at the lowest end of disorderly but it is accepted it crossed the legal threshold.

“Ms Bell is gravely concerned that her liberty is at risk, there is frustration as if she did not have these previous convictions she may have received a caution.”

He commented: “It was a couple of Fs in front of police on this occasion.”

District Judge Kelly stated: “I don’t accept the mitigation of foul and abusive language, she was going to the school to pick up her children.

“She is supposed to set an example for her children.”

Court heard that Bell had been handed a three-month prison sentence for her last offence but this was suspended following an appeal.

District Judge Kelly said: “This was wholly unacceptable behaviour in front of your own children potentially.

“You lost your temper and you are meant to be the example for your children to follow.”

She stated: “How would you feel if another woman went into a fit of anger in front of your children?

“I am going to give you one last chance, you are well known to the police – they can detect you both by sight and sound.”

Sentencing was deferred for one year with Bell instructed not to come to police attention in the interim.

The case will return to court on April 24, 2020.

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