Is there a right way to recycle? How recycling is collected makes a real difference to where it ends up. By choosing the Wheelie Box you are ensuring that materials are recycled right here in Northern Ireland, according to leading social enterprise Bryson Recycling.
Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council are currently running a consultation on the future of recycling arrangements across the Council area. Bryson, who currently collect recycling from homes in the Armagh area, believes that everyone will benefit if the Council selects the Wheelie Box, Option B.
Eric Randall, Director at Bryson Recycling says: “The Wheelie Box option means local households can increase the amount they recycle every week instead of fortnightly, protect local jobs, boost the economy and play an important role in creating a local, sustainable environment for all”.
“We are delighted that the Council is considering the Wheelie Box option. Collected weekly, the latest Wheelie Box model will offer 40% more capacity than a standard green recycling bin. As well as providing more space for recycling, Wheelie Boxes will also mean good news for local jobs because 85% of what we collect using this approach is recycled in Northern Ireland. This compares to typically around 12% using green bins.”
Two companies, Huhtamaki and Cherry Pipes are based in Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council area and depend on recyclable materials collected from homes.
Employing 276 people in Lurgan, Huhtamaki is the world leader in environmentally friendly moulded fibre packaging. The company uses 100% recycled paper and card to manufacture egg boxes for retailers such as Morrisons, Sainsbury’s and Marks & Spencer’s and cup carriers for brands such as McDonalds & Starbucks.
Cherry Pipes, also based in the Council area in Armagh, employs around 60 staff and convert plastic bottles into pipes for the agricultural, civil engineering and sportsfield sectors.
“These manufacturing companies play a key role in our local economy. They want to grow and expand but need the raw materials to do this, so it is excellent that the Council is considering this tried and tested approach. Wheelie Boxes will make it very easy for the public to do the right thing and recycle the right way.”
Wheelie Boxes are a unique product designed specifically to make recycling as easy as possible and are different from the kerbside boxes which are already in use in the Armagh area. The Wheelie Box has a lockable hinged lid and are integrated onto a trolley with wheels, which makes them secure and very easy to use and move.
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Consultation closes Friday 28th August 2020.
Have your say and 'Recycle the Right Way'!
Have your Say and ‘Recycle the Right Way’Is there a right way to recycle? How recycling is collected makes a real difference to where it ends up. By choosing the Wheelie Box you are ensuring that materials are recycled right here in Northern Ireland which protects local jobs, boosts the economy and plays an important role in creating a local, sustainable environment for all. Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council are currently running a consultation on the future of recycling arrangements across the Council area. The consultation closes Friday 28th August 2020. To have your say visit https://armaghbanbridgecraigavon.citizenspace.com/environmental-services/public-consultation-on-mdr-collection-options/consultation/intro/
Posted by Bryson Recycling on Wednesday, August 26, 2020