Choice Housing has officially handed over five new family homes at Drumellan Park in Craigavon as part of a land partnership agreement with the Housing Executive.
The housing association developed the previously vacant Housing Executive site with the new homes, designed specifically for complex needs and wheelchair accommodation.
With an investment of over £1 million, the new development now meets the unique and bespoke needs of five families in the area, including three-bedroom generic wheelchair bungalows, a three-bedroom complex needs bungalow, and four-bedroom complex needs wheelchair bungalows.
Sandra Gregg, Development Officer at Choice Housing added: “Building homes that are tailored to the needs of tenants is vital in ensuring our social housing stock is sustainable and tenants who move in see their long-term future in these homes. Partnering with the Housing Executive on projects like Drumellan Park allows us to maximise housing opportunities by combining much needed available land with social housing investment.
“During the assessment for Drumellan Park there was an identified need for ground floor living with wheelchair access for a number of families in the area. Our design team created a development that maximised living space inside and accommodated a range of complex needs for our future tenants.”
One of the new tenants for Drumellan Park, Donna Green recently moved into her new home which was identified as meeting her family’s specific and unique living needs.
In particular, for their 13-year-old son Ryan, who suffers from Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus and for the first time Ryan now has his own bedroom and washroom / shower facilities, giving him the independence to gain the care he needs in privacy.
Donna’s new home allows for ground floor bedrooms, and a spacious back garden, driveway and living area that will make a significant positive impact, particularly on Ryan who is now able to move about the house in his wheelchair more freely.
Talking about her new home, Donna said: “Our new home has given us a secure future, something we never really had renting, that peace of mind cannot be bought, and it has made a real difference to the family knowing where our long-term future is.
“My son Ryan now has his own space, allowing him to get the care he needs in his own room without the worry of friends or family walking in. With our previous property he didn’t have this, he didn’t have the privacy he needed, and it was difficult for him particularly as he moves into his teenage years. The process of moving was seamless and knowing that we are getting our forever home made it worthwhile.”
The Housing Executive’s Head of Place Shaping, South region, Sinead Collins added: “We’re committed to working with housing associations to identify opportunities to address social housing need. We take a holistic approach to the delivery and supply of housing across Northern Ireland, including identifying housing opportunities that fit the needs of people and their local communities.
“It’s fantastic to see the development of homes for those on the waiting list with a range of complex needs, which often require required bespoke housing solutions. We’re delighted to see local families benefit from this type of housing development at Drumellan Park. We hope that Ryan and his family will be very happy in their new home.”