Businesses interested in sponsoring a roundabout within the bounds of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough are once again able to, the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) has confirmed.
The confirmation came via a latter sent to council on Tuesday, September 13, in response to a letter council sent DfI on August 12 concerning the lack of sponsorship availability and several other issues.
At July’s monthly meeting of council, Councillor Darryn Causby told the chamber DfI was reviewing its policy in relation to the sponsoring of roadside verges and roundabouts and said it needed to figure things out quickly “in order to put a bit of pride back into the area”.
“I want to note my disappointment that at present we have a number of businesses, that I am currently aware of, prepared to take on roundabout and road verges and they are unable to do so,” he said.
“These verges and roundabouts are unsightly, we have complained about them in this chamber time and time again but for whatever reason, Southern Division or DfI Roads have decided that when they are not cutting anything, to review the policy, instead of letting businesses take on the responsibility and put a bit of pride back in the area.
“I would ask that the Department to expedite this fairly quickly to try and get a grip on its inaction in relation to road verges and roundabouts and the shameful way they leave them when they are supposedly cut.”
The letter from DfI permanent secretary, Dr Julie Harrison, was provided to councillors at the local authority’s monthly meeting on Monday, September 26 and explains the policy review is now complete.
“I am pleased to be able to confirm the review in question has been completed,” reads Dr Harrison’s letter.
“Any business with an interest in entering into a roundabout maintenance agreement should contact the local Roads Southern Division using the following email address DfiRoads.Southern@infrastructure-ni.gov.uk”