SEAT action group has emphasised the importance of land owners resisting invitations to sign their land over in their opposition to the erection of the overground pylons required to support the interconnector
The group has also called on the community to remain united and strong in their opposition to the erection of the pylons.
Speaking following his attendance at an information evening in the Navan Centre, Armagh Sinn Féin councillor Gerard Paul White said: “This event was well attended by members of the public.

Sinn Féin Councillors Gerard Paul White, Noel Keelan, Sean Conlon, Mickey Gillespie and Jackie Crowe attend Interconnector public meeting
“The SEAT action group gave local people an update on the campaign to date. This cross border event was beneficial as it enabled both northern based SEAT and southern based Monaghan Anti Pylon Group an opportunity to update local people on the progress of the campaign and the current challenges faced.
“Sinn Féin has always been opposed to the overgrounding of the Interconnector cables and we have consistently called for these cables to be placed underground. At our recent Ard Fheis in Wexford, Assembly Member Cathal Boylan spoke on a motion to this affect.
“Sinn Féin will continue to support the local communities along the proposed route of the Interconnector and we share their fears regarding the impact of the Interconnector project on people’s health and wellbeing. We will be doing everything possible to ensure that the Interconnector does not go ahead in its current form.”
The event was also attended by Sinn Féin councillors from Monaghan, Mayor Sean Conlon, Cllr Noel Keelan and Cllr Jackie Crowe and by Dungannon Cllr Mickey Gillespie.
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