Several near misses involving motorists in Banbridge town centre has prompted calls for improvements in road markings.
DUP MLA Carla Lockhart has called for the Department of Infrastructure to remark the roads network in the town centre before near misses become collisions.
This comes following a number of complaints to the local representative from people who have said they have had a few near misses with other road users.
Speaking on the issue Carla Lockhart said: “When this was raised with me I undertook to see for myself the problem.
“I was shocked at how poorly marked the roads are particularly in the vicinity on the police station surrounding the Crozier monument and throughout the town in general.
“I have requested an urgent investigation by DFI roads and am hoping that action will be taken as soon as possible to address this.
“Banbridge is a busy town with many vehicles passing through it on any one day.
“This remarking will undoubtedly assist in ensuring the safety of road users and a better flow of traffic throughout the town boundaries.”