A former seed factory in Banbridge is to be demolished later this month to make way for an anticipated multi-million pound social housing scheme.
As Armagh I exclusively revealed in May, the Germinal seed factory is to be razed for a scheme which would comprise of a single block of apartments – 24 units in total – as well as 36 houses.
These would comprise a mix of detached and semi-detached and stretch across the entire 0.87 hectare site.
The applicant – Belnew Developments Ltd – is working with Ardbour Housing Association to provide social housing.
And according to a planning statement, NIHE supports the delivery of social housing on the site.
A design and access statement, it is “predominantly occupied by the Germinal agricultural seed company”. The company announced last year that it was to close and relocate elements of its Banbridge operations.
The development site also includes a detached commercial property at 34 Scarva Road. The latter, which it is intended to demolish, is described as being of “fairly recent construction” and “not of any particular architectural significance”.
The Germinal factory will be demolished by the end of August. It comes after ongoing reports of anti-social behaviour at the site since the factory relocated operations.