Two groups which work to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Armagh are to share almost £350,000 in Big Lottery funding.
The West Armagh Consortium and Huntington’s Disease Association Northern Ireland – which has a support group in Armagh – have been successful in drawing down money under the ‘People and Communities’ programme.
The cash awards are being announced today (Wednesday).
West Armagh Consortium has been awarded £196,801. The group works with eight local community groups on the three-year West Armagh Community Support and Development Project.
They are using the grant to employ a manager to coordinate a joint activity programme with all the groups including, action planning workshops, a volunteer programme, marketing activities, health and wellbeing activities, a youth programme, older people’s activities, and intercultural events.
The project has been designed and developed by local people involved with each of the groups that are working together on this project, namely Callan Street Residents Group; Drumarg Community Association; Mullacreevie Residents Association; Drumbreda/St.Brigid’s Hill Residents Association; Callanbridge/Legar Hill Park Residents Association; Association of Bulgarian Culture and Education; St Patrick’s Park Residents Association; and Westenders Senior Citizens Group Life Change Changes Lives.
Huntington’s Disease Association Northern Ireland has also received a £152,580 grant.
The organisation, which has a support group in Armagh, is using the funding to run the three-year Supporting HD Families project.
The money is being used for staff costs and to provide information, advice and support to Huntington’s Disease sufferers and their carers including through peer support, their website and newsletter, and an annual conference to share learning.
They are also developing training and support for volunteer mentors so they can deliver training and mentoring to others in the future which will help the sustainability of the group.
Julie Harrison, Big Lottery Fund NI Chair, said: “We want to fund great projects that work with local people, build on a community’s strengths, and are well connected to other services and activities in the community.
“We are looking forward to seeing the positive impact these projects will make to people and communities across Northern Ireland.”
The People and Communities programme offers grants of between £30,000 and £500,000 for two to five year projects. More information can be found on our website www.biglotteryfund.org.uk or ring our enquiries line on 028 90 551 455.