Capita Managed IT Solutions and C2k have announced the winners of the fourth annual NI Schools ‘ICT Excellence’ Awards.
The awards ceremony at The Merchant Hotel in Belfast celebrated Northern Ireland schools that are demonstrating innovation in their use of technology in teaching and learning.
The winning post-primary school was St. Catherine’s College, Armagh.
The judges were very impressed by how ICT is embedded in every area of the school curriculum, transforming teaching and learning experiences with a pupil-led learning approach.
Noeleen Tiffany, Principal of St. Catherine’s College, said: “I am delighted that St Catherine’s College has been recognised as the winner in the ICT Excellence Awards post primary school classification. The school has undertaken an e-learning journey and I am proud that this has been acknowledged by Capita and C2k.
“In St. Catherine’s, staff use technology expertly, confidently and purposely in every aspect of the school curriculum, and through this technology, is making a huge impact on pupils’ attainment.
“This award is a real testament to the hard work from not only the staff, but the pupils and parents of St. Catherine’s. We strive to ensure staff are up-skilled in the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom, to support our pupils as digital citizens and to help prepare them for future study and work.”
Photo: Jubilant staff of St Catherine’s College, Armagh, Winners of the Capita ICT Excellence Award 2018: l/r: Mr Cathal McLeod (E-Learning Manager), Mrs Noeleen Tiffney (Principal), Miss Mary Black (SIMS Co-ordinator & Data Manager), Mr Ronan Herron (Learning and Teaching Co-ordinator & Curriculum Leader).