Over half of St Catherine’s Armagh students achieved grades A*- B in three or more subjects!
Students and Staff of Saint Catherine’s College were delighted with this year’s A-Level results as 51 per cent of leavers gained at least 3 A- levels at grades A*- B!
Commenting on her students’ superb scores, Principal, Noeleen Tiffney, said: “I am delighted that pupils of all talents have achieved such outstanding success. They have gone off to do a variety of courses including Medicine; Dentistry; Veterinary Medicine; STEM courses; Law; languages; Teaching & Nursing.”
She continued: “This year another Sixth Former has been awarded a place on the prestigious PWC Apprenticeship Programme, as an alternative to a full time course in Accountancy at university.
We also have a student studying Voice in The Royal Irish Academy of Music, Dublin. This diversity of success proves that our school really can cater for all children, whatever their strengths.”

These Fabulous Five Saint Catherine’s College students have risen to the challenge of the A* super-grade at A level. l/r: Grace Hart (Dentistry Q.U.B.); Caitriona McMullan (Medicine, Q.U.B.); Maggie Rice (Medicine, Q.U.B.); Maeve Mallon (Medicine, Q.U.B.); Clodagh Hart (Veterinary Medicine, Surrey). The girls are pictured with Principal Noeleen Tiffney (centre) &, Fionnuala Tennyson (Senior Teacher & Head of Sixth Form).

Delighted sixth form students from Saint Catherine’s College who have been accepted for their chosen courses in STEM subjects include l/r: Laurie McQuaide (Food Science-Nutrition); Clodagh Hart (Veterinary Medicine, Surrey); Aoife Trainor (Physiotherapy, U.U.); Ciarrai Devlin (Biomedical Engineering, U.U.); Ciara O’Hanlon (Business Management Q.U.B.); Tiarna Nig Uidhir (Finance Q.U.B.); Helen McNeill (General Science, Trinity College, Dublin); Brogan O’Neill (Maths Q.U.B.); Emma Mulholland (Radiography U.U.).

These excited Saint Catherine’s College students have been accepted on to their chosen courses at university. l/r: Nicole Dobbin (Criminology/Social Policy); Karolina Stonkute (History, U.U.); Caoimhe O’Kane (Teaching, St Mary’s); Alex Guy (Law & Spanish, Q.U.B.); Rebecca Kelly (Law & Criminology); Diana Mezanec (Geography, Q.U.B.).

Pictured are delighted Saint Catherine’s College students who each gained Distinction/A* in BTEC A-level courses in Public Services, Hospitality, Construction or Travel & Tourism. Back row l/r: Jilby Jogi; Nadia Kennedy; Eireann McQuillan; Carla Murray; Laura Dobbin; Orlagh Fleming.
Front row l/r: Dominique Corr; Jane McGuigan; Ciara O’Hanlon; Chloe Hughes; Diana Mezanec. Mrs Edel McCarville, Head of Year 14, looks on with pride.

Belfast-bound students Róise Ní hAodha (Irish, St Mary’s University College); Caoimhe Fanthorpe (Spanish & International Studies, Q.U.B.) and Alex Guy (Law & Spanish, Q.U.B.) celebrate their success at St Catherine’s College yesterday.

Martina Ní Gharraidh, Comhordaitheoir Tréadchúraim, (Head of Pastoral) congratulates Sruth na Gaeilge, Coláiste Chaitríona, students on their outstanding A-level results. l/r: Tiarna Nic Uidhir (Finance, Q.U.B.); Meabh O’Dowd (Law, Q.U.B.) and Róise Ní hAodha (Teaching, St Mary’s University College). The group is pictured during an interview for the Irish medium website Meon Eile. Behind the camera is Stephen McGuigan, an independent digital broadcaster, who was a student of Moving Image Arts at the school. So Stephen is filming and interviewing his former M.I.A. teacher!

Congratulations to St Catherine’s College student Ciarrai Devlin who has been chosen for The Talented Athlete Programme. Ciarrai is celebrating her success at A-level and will continue her studies at the University of Ulster where she will study Biomedical Engineering.

Saint Catherine’s College student Jane McCann has secured a prestigious P.W.C. apprenticeship and will combine her job as a trainee accountant with studying for her exams. Principal Noeleen Tiffney, pictured, is proud of Jane’s achievement.

A look of relief and delight from Eilis Fox on opening her results to discover top grades in her A-level subjects. The St Catherine’s College student is pictured here with Principal Noeleen Tiffney. Eilis will now study Voice in The Royal Irish Academy of Music, Dublin.

These St Catherine’s College Sixth Form students were pictured collecting their excellent grades at AS level.