Work on a new waste-water pumping station at Killylea Road – which has led to safety complaints from motorists over fencing obscuring their view – will not be complete until early next year.
And NI Water has confirmed that – as part of the overall £1.4 million investment – a series of road closures will be in place later this month and throughout the whole of August with major sewer improvements planned at Irish Street and Navan Street.
NI Water says work is “progressing well”.
It says the scheme represents a major programme of work to upgrade the sewerage infrastructure in the west of Armagh City. It includes the upgrade of sewers and replacement of an existing wastewater pumping station.
Work started in May with the construction of the pumping station at Killylea Road.
And onstruction works are expected to “complete in early 2020”.
Now sewer upgrades are due to start in the Irish Street area on Monday, July 22.
In order to carry out construction works safely, NI Water says it will be necessary to complete sewer laying in three phases.
The first will require a temporary lane closure on the Irish Street slip road (city bound) from 8am on Thursday, August 1, for four days, until late Sunday, August 4.
The second phase includes a road closure from the Irish Street slip road – opposite St Malachy’s Church to the junction of Navan Street and Ogle Street.
Work will start from 8am on Monday, August 5 for five days, until late on Friday, August 9.
During this time, access to local businesses and residences will be via the Navan Street/Ogle Street junction.
The third phase includes the reconstruction of a five metre deep manhole in Irish Street at the entrance to St Malachy’s Church and requires a road closure from Friday, August 16, for two weeks until Friday, August 30.
During this work access will be maintained to local businesses and residents, NI Water says.
Working hours will generally be from 8am to 7pm, however, to complete all three phases of work by Friday, August 30, it may be necessary at times for work to be undertaken outside these hours.
Vehicular access for local residents and businesses will be maintained as far as possible, but will be subject to delays and diversions particularly during the Irish Street road closure. Pedestrian access will be available at all times.
Parking restrictions will be in place around the working area.
An NI Water Spokesperson said: “This scheme is good news for customers in the local area, and it will reduce the risk of out of sewer flooding and environmental pollution in this part of the sewerage network during periods of heavy rainfall.
“NI Water and our contractor BSG Civil Engineering appreciate the work is disruptive and would like to thank the public for their patience and cooperation during this essential improvement work.
“We assure you that we will do everything that we can to keep disruption to a minimum.”