Concerns have been raised over a £520,000 resurfacing scheme due to start in Caledon on Monday, with one resident suggesting that locals will be “held to ransom”.
The work will be carried out on Main Street and Dyan Road, while the scheme will also include the junction with Mill Street, the Derrycoutney Road, Churchill Road, Castle Lane and the Minterburn Road.
The first phase of the works on Main Street are programmed to continue until Saturday, April 1. A notice erected in the centre of the village says that Main Street is set to be closed during this time.
The Department for Infrastructure says that to help ensure the safety of road users and workers it will be necessary to implement the full road closure from Monday, March 20 until Saturday, April 1.
However, access to businesses and residents within the area of the works will be accommodated along with school buses and emergency services.
A two-way diversion will be in place via Cathedral Road (or Killylea Road, Knappagh Road), Battleford Road and Dyan Road.
Road users are asked to comply with all temporary traffic restrictions and to drive with care when travelling in the vicinity of the road works.
Whilst the Department has carefully planned these road works and associated traffic management arrangements, a spokesperson said that, in order to minimise any inconvenience to the public, road users “should expect delays and allow additional time when planning any journey”.
However, one local resident has contacted us and expressed concerns that the works will unduly disrupt business and travel in the village.
The resident, who has lived in the village for nine years, told Armagh I that the road closure means large diversions for those wishing to access local schools and the nearby Tynan Surgery.
He said: “Caledon is wide enough for temporary traffic lights, but they’re not doing that. The last time they closed the road it was a headache. There has been no consultation with residents. It just has been announced.”
He added: “You can’t be held to ransom in your own home.”