The Key Problem
Northern Ireland faces key challenges to achieve its environmental goals, particularly in decarbonisation and resource efficiency as outlined by the target of net zero 2050.
Unfortunately, some still believe that separating recyclables like paper, plastic etc, into three or four different streams (often called the “kerbside box” system) drives higher recycling rates and is better for carbon footprint. This is simply not true!
Significant independent data has conclusively shown that collecting mixed dry recyclable waste in a single bin (“Blue Bin” system) drives higher recycling rates, is much cheaper for the taxpayer, much easier for the householder and, perhaps most crucially, produces the lowest carbon footprint.
Carbon Reduction
Eumonia are expert consultants in carbon, and their report from June 2024 compared the carbon outputs from a multi-stream kerbside box system against a single Blue Bin system.
To underpin their work, Eunomia reviewed Re-Gen’s process which manages mixed dry recyclables collected from a single Blue Bin.
Re-Gen is a Northern Ireland company that has invested heavily in the latest technology including robotics and artificial intelligence. Eunomia concluded that Re-Gen’s specific process significantly outperforms the multi-stream kerbside boxes system for carbon impact per tonne.
Recycling Rates
Data published by NIEA 2022/23 has clearly shown that for household collection, those councils that use a Blue Bin system achieve higher recycling rates than the councils that adopt a kerbside box collection.
A report by one of the major accountancy and consulting firms Grant Thornton, published in June 2024, outlined that the introduction of a kerbside box system across all of Northern Ireland would cost around £400M more over seven years than rolling out a Blue Bin system.
A huge cost difference at any time, but particularly when government departments in the UK and Northern Ireland are under so much financial pressure.
Higher Quality Recyclate
Some believe that a Blue Bin system cannot achieve quality levels necessary for reprocessing recyclable material. But this belief is simply outdated.
Because of enhancements in technology, Re-Gen produce a higher quality recyclate such as paper, glass and plastic, which is reprocessed by UK companies everyday, helping drive the circular economy.
NI Householders Prefer Mixed Dry Recyclable Collections
In June 2024 concluded that householders prefer the blue bin system. Over 79% of those currently using the blue bin system don’t want to switch to the kerbside box system.
The evidence is clear, and indeed Grant Thornton concluded, that a Blue Bin system drives higher recycling rates, has a lower carbon impact, costs significantly less for the taxpayer and householders much prefer it.
So surely the answer is clear?
Take this to your elective representative and ensure that the best decision is made for Northern Ireland and your local area.