A cannabis factory totalling in excess of £100,000 has been discovered in Hamiltonsbawn this afternoon (Thursday).
Police made the discovery at a property on the Main Street after a tip-off from a member of the public.
DUP councillor Gareth Wilson called the find a “very good result”.
“Following vigilance by the public, the PSNI made a swoop in Hamiltonsbawn today and removed over £100,000 worth of cannabis plants,” said councillor Wilson.
“Drugs are a scourge on society and thanks PSNI locally for their swift action on this.”
Ulster Unionist Councillor Jim Speers also congratulated the PSNI on the haul.
“Illicit drugs are a menace on our society and the PSNI must be congratulated on acting swiftly to recover these cannabis plants in Hamiltonsbawn following a tip-off from a member of the public,” said councillor Speers.
“They have disrupted the evil drugs trade with this seizure. We should all be thankful to the watchful member of the public who brought this to the attention of the PSNI.
“It demonstrates that the community working in conjunction with the police can make a difference. Drug dealers, whoever they are and wherever they are, must be stopped as they seek to spread their poison.”
There are no further details at present but this story will be updated as and when more information is made available.
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