One person was taken to hospital after a serious one vehicle road traffic collision close to Killylea on Sunday evening.
The accident happened at around 6.30pm.
Emergency services were tasked to the scene and the road was closed in both directions.
It happened a short distance beyond the Co Armagh village, in the area known as Quarry Hill.
The Northern Ireland Air Ambulance attended and one person received initial treatment on scene.
They were then taken to the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast.
The extent of injuries is not known at this stage.
Police confirmed shortly after 10pm that the road had reopened to traffic.
Please please pay the upmost attention to the roads this weekend.
The Air Ambulance was also in attendance at an incident in Middletown yesterday afternoon.
A PSNI spokesperson said: “We wish all those injured today a speedy recovery. And thanks to members of the public who stopped to help.
“Drivers please expect the unexpected that’s all we ask.”
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