A man approached a female at an ATM in Armagh city centre before demanding she empty her account.
Police are appealing for information following the incident around 3.30pm on Saturday.
A PSNI spokesperson said: “Between the hours of 3.25pm and 3.45pm a female was accessing the ATM on Market Street, Armagh beside Bon Marché.
“A male then approached the female asking her to empty her account, in which she refused.
“The male then made off in the direction of Embers, through to McCrums Court, cutting through Sainsburys car park onto Mall West and turned right.
“The male is described as young, wearing a royal blue hoodie with white on the shoulders and hood and spoke with a local accent.
“If you have any information regarding this incident please contact Police on 101 quoting reference number 947 of 9/2/19.”
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