Armagh Lord Mayor Garath Keating is preparing to host the first citizen’s annual charity dinner dance.
But this year the tickets will be going on general sale.
This means that the event will be open to the general public.
And their £35 will go to support the work of the fantastic Motor Neurone Disease Association.
The Lord Mayor’s banquet is traditionally held towards the end of their year in office and helps to support their chosen charities for the year.
The event is due to take place in the Armagh City Hotel on Saturday, April 1, from 7pm.
The ticket includes a drinks reception, a four course meal and entertainment by the fantastic ‘Hair O’the Dawg’.
And as the man himself says: “A bargain for a great night’s craic in aid of a great cause!”
Everybody is welcome and tickets can be purchased from the Lord Mayor Garath Keating himself or by phoning Susan on 3752 9633.