The pupils of Saint Catherine’s College, Armagh today celebrated the best set of A-level results ever achieved by the school.
87% of pupils achieved at least 3 A-levels at grades A*-C, with a quarter of the cohort achieving a full A*/A profile.
Students achieved across a wide variety of subjects and will now pursue a range of courses at third level including Medicine, Law, Allied Health Professions, Nursing, Pharmacy, teaching, finance and a range of STEM and Arts courses.
An increasing number of students are also choosing the apprenticeship route with prestigious companies.
Principal, Mrs Noeleen Tiffney, congratulated the students on their superb results, saying they accurately reflected the tireless efforts of a wonderful year group: “This is a great day for our students, their parents who have supported them and the teachers of Saint Catherine’s who motivated and inspired them to achieve such well deserved results”.