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Five month jail for man described by own solicitor as ‘more of a nuisance than anything else’

He admitted assaulting police and breaching a community-based order

Armagh Magistrates' Court

An Armagh man who managed to stay out of trouble for three years has been sentenced to five months in prison.

Martin Callaghan, 31, of Primates Manor, pleaded guilty to two counts of assault on police and breach of a community-based order at the City’s Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday.

It was heard the defendant was sentenced to an enhanced community-based order on June 12, 2018, for disorderly behaviour.

Defence barrister Bobbie Rea stated: “This man has been in custody for two months. He had stayed out of trouble for three years and he is clearly a man that is more of a nuisance than anything else.

“He is a young man who has lived a transient lifestyle. Despite this there have been two positives, one he has stayed out of trouble for three years and, two, he has been deemed suitable by the family courts to have contact with his children.”

He added: “I hope your worship can look at this sentencing as a global exercise.”

District Judge Paul Copeland revoked the combination order and replaced it with a five-month sentence.

He said: “In view of what has been said I take into account your plea and the gap in offending.”

For the new offences, a sentence of five months was also added which was ordered to run concurrently.

This made a total sentence of five months in prison.

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