An Armagh man who made a handbrake turn in full view of police has been handed five penalty points.
Court heard that the 24-year-old has not, since the incident occurred in 2016, come to police attention, and that he has aspirations of becoming an HGV driver
Barry Murphy, 24, of Moore Island Road, pleaded guilty to careless driving at the city’s Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday.
Court heard that on February 7, 2016, at around 11.20am, police spotted the defendant driving a Lexus on the Moore Island Road and Moy Road, Armagh.
Officers observed Murphy make a handbrake turn on the road. They noted that the gravel on the ground moved as the defendant made the manoeuvre.
Police spoke to Murphy who admitted that his driving had been inconsistent with proper acceptable driving.
Prosecution told the court that no other road users were inconvenienced by the manner of the defendant’s driving.
It was heard that Murphy had one previous disqualification on his record for drink driving which occurred just nine months after he had first passed his test.
Defence counsel stated: “This offence refers to an incident in 2016. Mr Murphy has not been in court since then and now is employed at a haulage company.”
Court was told the defendant currently carried out office work but had aspirations of achieving his HGV licence.
It was explained by defence counsel that on the day in question Murphy made the manoeuvre after leaving home and realising he had forgotten his wallet.
The defendant was handed five penalty points and ordered to pay a fine of £200, along with the offender’s levy of £15, within 10 weeks.