An Armagh student is asking for the urgent help of the public to find a USB pen containing all of his A Level course work.
Darragh Murphy attends St Patrick’s Grammar School in Armagh.
He is currently studying for A Levels in Travel and Tourism and ICT.
And, of course, this USB pen is essential to ensure any chance of passing these exams.
A frantic Darragh is asking Armagh I followers for help.
He said: “The pen drive was lost in Armagh city centre, the Folly or Newry Road area.
“It contains all myA Level course work and it is vital that I get it back.”
If anyone has any information on the whereabouts of the pen drive, please drop us a line here at Armagh I and we can pass it along.
Please SHARE and help Darragh get it back. He can be contacted directly on 07855441576.