A local driving instructor has warned that there will be an accident after work was carried out on an Armagh roundabout.
Changes have been made to the Deansbridge roundabout in order to facilitate a new multi-million-pound housing development on Mullinure Lane.
Speaking to Armagh I, one driving instructor said the addition of chevron lines had left the roundabout not wide enough for two cars, which in turns creates the inevitable issue.
There had also been a change to the left lane approaching the roundabout from the Armagh Observatory, which can now only be used to turn right.
“I have nearly been cleaned out twice this morning,” said the instructor. “A driving test has already been affected because of it and it is absolutely ridiculous.
“Who on earth sets this up are they sitting in front of a computer screen planning this out, there is going to be an accident and it will happen sooner than later.
“There are three people who should consult if you are going to change roads or lanes, driving instructors, taxi drivers and bus drivers,” he added.
“We are the ones that are using the roads all the time and could tell them how to make it simpler.”
Addressing the lane change, he said: “Why do they need a designated lane into that housing estate when that road is closed, the majority of traffic will be heading to Portadown, they don’t think of the thing.”
He pleaded: “The powers that be need to have a look at this because someone is really going to get hurt.
“I have contacted a local councillor about it and he is going to have a look at it.”
Construction work on 55 new homes at ‘Deanery Demesne’ is due to begin in the coming weeks.