Armagh’s newest Irish language nursery school, Naíscoil na Caille, will open its doors to prospective parents and children and to the general public on Tuesday, June 27, between 6.30pm and 9pm.
Parents considering Irish medium nursery provision for their children will have a chance to look around the new facilities, ask questions, pick up information leaflets and brochures and meet the staff and team of the new Naíscoil, located within the grounds of Desart Lodge Nursery on the Cathedral Road, Armagh.
The third city centre Naíscoil will open in September 2017 in order to service the ever burgeoning demand for Irish medium education in Armagh City and in the surrounding hinterland.
The new pre-school will complement existing Irish medium provision in the City and will add to the rapidly rising number of Irish language nursery and primary schools already serving the towns of Keady, Portadown, Lurgan, Dungannon, Newry and Crossmaglen.
The Irish language education sector is the fastest growing school sector in Ireland. Over 40,000 children are educated in Irish language schools at pre-school, primary and post primary level. Over 80 schools provide Irish medium education to over 6,400 children in the north of Ireland alone.
In Armagh, the demand for education through the medium of Irish vastly outstrips the current supply of places. Plans are already well developed for an additional new Irish medium primary school in the Cathedral City.
Naíscoil na Caille Principal, Orlágh Ní Néill, invited parents and the public to come along to the Open Night at Desart Lodge on the June 27.
“Everyone is welcome to come along and see what’s on offer. Irish medium schools in the north deliver the full Northern Ireland curriculum and parents are flocking to give their children the well-recognised benefits of a bilingual education. We will be happy to address parents’ queries about any matter that they might wish to raise. Education experts and parents of children currently enrolled in the sector will be on hand to offer guidance, advice and information. So come along, bring a friend and bring your children along to see our excellent facilities and to meet our dedicated and professional team”.
For further information on the Open Evening or to enquire about any aspect of Irish medium nursery education, contact Orlágh at Desart Lodge Nursery – 028 3752 4213.