An 11-year-old Armagh city schoolboy has won a new fan in the Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council.
A beautifully written letter from Sean Joseph McCourt-Kelly has “made my day”, Cllr Julie Flaherty said.
A wee gentleman, he offers his congratulations and respectfully asks for ‘logos’ to add to his collection.
And now Lord Mayor Flaherty is appealing for people to help him swell his collection by sending her logos that she can personally pass on.
She has been completely overwhelmed by the simple request and praises her young correspondent for his “fabulous handwriting”.
Lord Mayor Flaherty has been tickled pink by the penned plea, describing it as “superbly cute”.
The letter which ‘made her day’ was addressed to Lord Mayor Councillor Mrs Julie Flaherty and read:
“My name is Sean Joseph McCourt-Kelly. I am 11 years old and I really like your Medallion chain. I love the interior of your building. I really like your logo and I really like your council. I love living in Armagh. I like to collect items with a logo on it. I am writing to you if it’s possible to send me something that says Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Council on it. If you do have any can I have a few please? Thank-you.
“P.S. Congratulations of being elected as Lord Mayor of Armagh and I wish you all the best in your new ventures as Lord Mayor of Armagh.
“Yours sincerely,
“Sean Joseph McCourt-Kelly.”

So nice to see too the art of letter writing being kept alive by one so young in this digital age!
Lord Mayor Flaherty thinks so too and is hoping that people respond to this wonderful wee man.
Already NILGA – the Northern Ireland Local Government Association – is planning to send Sean Joseph one featuring the logos of all 11 ‘super-councils’.
And others are also weighing in by forwarding on their own company, sporting and individual logos.
If you can help Lord Mayor Flaherty’s appeal on behalf of Sean Joseph please forward to Craigavon Civic Centre or the palace Demesne in Armagh.