An Armagh man who stole beer, steak and sweets to the value of £50 whilst under the influence has been handed a suspended prison sentence.
The 35-year-old’s barrister told court: “This is a man who has not been in employment since his early 20s. Much of his record comes from consuming too much alcohol and getting into trouble with police, quite regularly.”
Connor Henry Lennon, of Corrigan Court, appeared for sentencing for theft, obstructing police and disorderly behaviour at the city’s Magistrates’, sitting at Newry, on Tuesday via videolink from his solicitor’s office.
The facts of the cases were not opened, but the particulars outline that the disorderly behaviour occurred on November 23, 2018, at Killuney Drive, Armagh.
The theft relates to beer, steak and sweets to the value of £50 from the Fruitfield Eurospar on April 13, of last year, and the obstructing offence occurred on June 27.
Defence barrister Conor Coulter stated: “He has a very significant criminal record but 2016 was his last significant sentence, which was one of eight months in custody.
“The recommendation in the report from probation is for a combination order. Mr Lennon was out of employment for some time, that coincided with the bulk of his court appearances, but he has since set up his own business.
“This is a man who has not been in employment since his early 20s. Much of his record comes from consuming too much alcohol and getting into trouble with police, quite regularly.”
He continued: “My instructions are that the theft was not premeditated and that Mr Lennon was under the influence of alcohol. The obstruction was a case of him messing about during interview. He removed a USB when shown CCTV but handed in back.
“The disorderly behaviour was him becoming involved in an incident involving a friend. I would ask that he is given credit for his guilty plea and the fact he has not come to police attention in some time.”
District Judge Eamon King commented: “Hopefully his court appearances will now peter off given that he is now working for himself.”
Lennon was sentenced to four months in prison suspended for two years and was ordered to pay compensation of £50 for the thefts within four weeks.