A period Georgian building is to undergo a massive £1 million restoration as part of plans to open up a new six-bedroom guesthouse.
Armagh I first reported on the plans to transform 7 Hartford Place – the former home of Armagh businessman Mervyn Walker – into a guesthouse back in 2021.
However, a revised description and plans have been re-submitted detailing the transformation of the listed building.
Lodged by Weir and Weir Architects Ltd on behalf of applicant Mr and Mrs Coote, the application seeks permission to change the use of an existing dwelling to a guest house providing four bedrooms with an extension to provide an additional two bedrooms and support accommodation at 7 Hartford Place.
Permission is also sought to carry out associated site works and repair works to the existing garage, maintaining its current storage use and a listed building consent application has also been lodged.
According to the application from the 0.5 hectare site is currently in use as a domestic dwelling and this application is seeking permission to change the use of the building and extend the premises.

Mervyn Walker leaving his Mall home in 2021. Photo by Vincent Loughran.
The property will still be accessed from an existing unaltered access to a public road while water will be supplied to the property, and foul sewage disposed of via the mains network. Surface water will be disposed of via the existing storm drain.
A design and access statement submitted as part of the application notes the building sits comfortable within its context and claims the skyline is not interrupted by or the streetscape adversely impacted by the different choice of material used in the building.
The statement also explains that the property was extensively re-developed in the 1950s but the developer hopes to “restore its original grandeur and character. It also claims the original building requires no external alterations just repairs such as re-roofing with natural slate, joinery and rainwater goods repairs and decoration.
In conclusion the statement claims “all possible impacts on the area are positive, creating employment and tourism ‘spend’ within the city for the benefit of all” and that the tourist experience in Armagh will be “enhanced” through the provision of this high standard of accommodation.
Lodged on 11 December 2020 and validated on December 22, 2020 the application’s initial consultation period expired on December 7, 2022. However, as this is a revised description and plans, the planning portal notes the application’s status as “consultation open” and states it will be advertised until June 17, 2023.