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Armagh fundraiser Willie Nugent releases kids’ Christmas book to boost two worthy causes

'The Wee Dog That Saved Christmas in Armagh' is based on Willie's own 'best friend' Maisie's adventures!

They say it’s a dog’s life and it truly is – as the picture suggests!

Armagh’s very own champion fundraiser is at it again – pulling out all the stops to help others.

After previously releasing a Christmas fundraising single, this time he has turned his attention to the written rather than the sung word.

And the result is a fantastic new, full-colour festive picture book!

And it stars none other than Willie’s own ‘man’s best friend’ Maisie!

The man himself took time to read his new book – ‘The Wee Dog That Saved Christmas in Armagh’ – to his hugely appreciative canine and it was a huge paws-up from Maisie!

Now you can buy it yourself and see why Maisie was so taken.

Not only are you buying a fantastic book by an Armagh legend – which any child will love – but once again you will be supporting those in need.

The Wee Dog That Saved Christmas in Armagh is available from selected city stores, namely Pet World, Thomas Street,
Trimprints, English Street, Macaris Newsagents, at the Shambles, Mulberry Bistro, English Street, and Armagh Blooms, on the Killylea Road.

This brilliant new book costs only £5 and every penny of that will be donated to good causes.

The worthy recipients will be The Friends of the Cancer Centre, Belfast City Hospital and The Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children.

Dig deep everyone – it’s a fiver well spent this festive season!

And don’t just take our word for it – ask Maisie!

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