All posts tagged "Housing Executive"
/ 10 years agoHousing Executive outlines spending plans across Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon
The Housing Executive has earmarked £17.65 million for investing in homes and projects across the Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Council areas...
/ 10 years agoCouncillor says Middletown housing project “falls short” of need
A new house building project in Middletown has “fallen short” for many seeking new homes. That was the view of local Sinn Fein Councillor...
/ 11 years agoCouncillor urges people to register Ponytzpass housing interest
SDLP Cusher Councillor Sharon Haughey-Grimley is urging people looking for housing in the Poyntzpass area to register their interest with the...
/ 11 years agoSteep steps leave elderly afraid to leave homes
Two elderly residents of an Armagh housing estate are too afraid to use the steps outside their homes, City Councillor Cathy...
/ 12 years agoHousing Executive rent increase approved
SOCIAL Development Minister Nelson McCausland has approved a rent increase of around £2.12 per week for Northern Ireland Housing Executive tenants....