All posts tagged "Gavin McNaney"
5 years ago
Translink in Armagh holding stem cell registration event in memory of Gavin McNaney
Translink are hosting a blood stem cell registration event and coffee morning this Saturday as part of the ‘Somebody’s Stranger’ campaign,...
6 years ago
Over 500 join stem cell donor register as Karl campaigns in memory of friend Gavin
Over 5oo people have signed up to become stem cell donors since a concerted campaign was launched in memory of a...
6 years ago
Karl launches campaign to boost stem cell donor numbers in memory of much-missed pal Gavin
A campaign to encourage more people to consider becoming stem cell donors has been launched in memory of a former Armagh...
7 years ago
Best friend of popular Armagh teacher to finish 32-day running fundraiser in his memory
The best friend of a popular Armagh teacher who tragically passed away last year will complete his 32nd 5km run in...
7 years ago
Karl’s inspirational fundraiser in memory of Armagh teacher and best friend Gavin McNaney
Family and friends of Armagh man Gavin McNaney were devastated when leukaemia robbed them of such a truly special and gifted...