The family of the late Vincent McEnoy wish to express their sincere gratitude for the kindness extended to us following the recent bereavement of our beloved Husband, Father, Grandfather and Brother.
We offer our heartfelt thanks to our family, friends, neighbours, work colleagues and to all those who attended the wake and funeral.
We, as a family are very grateful to all those who cared for Vincent, particularly the Intensive Care Unit staff at Craigavon Area Hospital.
We thank those who took time to call to our family home, made donations, sent cards, posted messages of sympathy, sent food, assisted in the wake house and offered support in many ways.
Your kindness will never be forgotten.
A special word of thanks to Father Wright, those who read at the funeral mass and carried gifts, also to Sinead Willox and her guitarist for the beautiful music and singing.
Thanks to Quinn Bros. funeral services for the very professional service provided, the gravedigger Kieran Mulholland, Café Vibe for the excellent food and service and to Clann Eireann Social.
Club for the use of the premises, we are very grateful.
At the risk of failing to mention someone, we hope that this will be accepted by all as a sincere token of our gratitude, please know that everyone’s kind words and gestures were very much appreciated.
Vincent’s Month Mind Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday February 6, in St. Peters Church, Lurgan at 7.00pm.
The McEnoy Family.