The family of the late Fr. Brian, wish to express our deepest gratitude for the overwhelming sympathy and support we have received during our recent sad bereavement.
Your comforting messages, kind gestures and heartfelt condolences, have provided us with strength during this difficult time.
We would like to thank the First Responders, Police Service NI and the Paramedics, who attended the house and assisted the family in a professional and dignified manner.
We would like to express gratitude and thanks to all our family, friends and very kind neighbours who helped in any way. Thanks also to everyone that brought food to the house, including Cordelia’s, Aine Pierson for after burial refreshments and Tullysaran Community Association for the hire of the hall and all their help and assistance.
To all those who attended the wake and funeral in vast numbers from all over Ireland, brought Mass/sympathy cards, telephoned, messaged, or posted condolences online, these were greatly appreciated. Special thanks also to Eglish/Tullysaran Road Bowls, O’Connell’s GAC, and Shyne Youth Group for their guard of honour.
Most Rev Michael Router DD Auxiliary Bishop of Armagh, for the celebration of the beautiful Funeral Mass, Fr Barry Matthews for all the assistance with the funeral preparations, Cardinal Sean Brady, and the many other priests and deacons in attendance, the Church sacristan and altar servers.
Sincere gratitude to Catherine Grimley-Hughes and Dermot McCusker for the outstanding singing and music.
Heartfelt thanks to J J McArdle Funeral Directors for their professionalism, compassion and guidance with Fr. Brian’s funeral.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted by each and everyone who helped the family in any way as an expression of our sincere appreciation and gratitude.
Fr. Brian’s Month Mind Mass will be held on Friday December 8, at 7.30pm in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Tullysaran.
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